Jumat, 29 Desember 2017
How to troubleshoot a bloated stomach quickly and naturally
Suffering from flatulence may make someone feel uncomfortable, fortunately the varied ways of overcoming stomach bloating can be easily done. Bloated stomach is a condition in which the stomach feels full due to a buildup of gas in the intestine. The buildup of gases in addition to cause bloating can also make the belly looks bigger. In addition, there is rarely a bloated stomach is accompanied by other symptoms such as cramps, pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and lower back pain. In addition to gas buildup, because many other factors can cause flatulence, constipation, such as peptic ulcers, satiety, anorexia, indigestion, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, and inflammatory bowel disease. Psychological factors such as anxiety can also cause flatulence.
Various ways of overcoming Flatulence from natural materials
The most potent way to relieve a bloated stomach is fart and defecate (do not familiarize fart or defecate!). But calm, if both the things you can't do because otherwise, there are some steps that you can try starting from traditional medicine, diet modification, to the improvement of life. Below are several ways to overcome the flatulence naturally you can praktikkan at home.
Peppermint tea
Peppermint is very good to relieve flatulence and ease the gas out of the digestive system. The content of menthol in the leaves have the effect of antispasmodic against the muscles of the digestive system. Peppermint also raises a relaxing effect, so as to relieve a bloated stomach due to anxiety or stress. Try drinking a cup of peppermint tea after dinner, and you'll find out why the peppermint belongs in one of the ways of overcoming the bloated stomach are the most popular.
Most people make a tea by means of dip tea bags into hot water. Then after a few minutes, the tea bags were taken back and tea ready to be served. But did you know that how to make a tea like that doesn't make perfect tea dissolves in water? How to make a tea that is right after you boil water, the water siramkan on tea bags you already put in the Cup. Then, cover the Cup and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that drinking tea as usual.
Fennel seeds
You may never know. However, fennel seeds are very effective to overcome digestive problems because it contains antimicrobial substances. Fennel seeds also contain a natural analgesic and can help removing gas from the stomach. In addition, the fennel seeds can be merelakskan muscle strain on the digestive system so that flatulence you can more quickly subsided.
How to use Fennel seed as a way of overcoming the flatulence? It is very easy. You can chew it some fennel seeds after a meal is great. Or, add 1 teaspoon fennel seeds into 1 cup of hot water. Closed cup meetings and let infuse for 5-10 minutes. Press-Press to get ' sari '. Drink this solution 2-3 times in a day.
Ginger is a very popular spice plant in Indonesia. This plant can be grown easily anywhere. Ginger can be used as seasoning, cure some diseases are simple, and of course as a delicious warm drink drunk at the time of the cold weather.
Ginger can be used not only as a way of overcoming flatulence, but also other digestive problems such as nausea, stomach flu, or any meal. A natural chemical substance content in it can help relieve inflammation of the intestines and create muscle digestive system becomes more deeply relaxed. Ginger also prevent the formation of gas in the stomach and help the intestines to contract it out.
How to make a ginger drink is also very easy. Take one or two sections of fresh ginger, then wash while rubbed until clean. Geprek the ginger and enter into the Cup together with honey and lemon water to taste. Flush with hot water until the Cup is full, and then close the meetings for 10 minutes to let it sink in.
How to overcome the next bloated stomach is using cumin. Cumin plant originates from Central and northeastern India. Even so, cumin has already spread to many corners of the world are no exception in Indonesia. Cumin, especially cumin white, commonly used as a spice in cuisine Indonesia because of its strong aroma and a spicy effect. In addition to its use in the culinary world, cumin also can be used to relieve flatulence.
If you suffer from flatulence, you can chew the cumin seed several times a day. If the taste and the aroma is too strong for you, you can be mixed in a glass of battered them down for hot tea. If you often experience flatulence, You can consume cumin regularly in the morning until you don't need them anymore.
The buildup of gas in the stomach can be caused by consumption of foods high in fiber. The fiber is more difficult to digest. When foods containing plenty of fiber is not digested in the intestine, at the time the remains of the food reaches the colon, a natural bacteria in the large intestine will eat it and produce gas as the product eventually. Pumpkin can help relieve bloating in the stomach because it can reduce the amount of gas that accumulates. To relieve a bloated stomach, squash can be eaten anytime and processed into any dish to taste.
Probiotic drinks
Currently have available probiotic drinks of various brands are sold in supermarkets. The probiotic drink contains yeast and bacteria similar to the natural bacteria in the intestines. It is these bacteria help maintain a healthy digestive system, which in the end will get rid of some digestive problems so that suitable one way of overcoming the flatulence. Probiotic drinks fit you use to relieve flatulence due to diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases, and of difficulties in digesting fiber.
Diet modifications
There are several types of certain foods that can cause gas in the digestive system, including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, lettuce, onions, apples, and pears. You can limit the types of food consumption, or replace it with another type of food that does not cause a sense of bloating in the abdomen but still contain the value of the nutrients.
In addition to these types of foods, fatty foods and artificial sweeteners can also cause flatulence. The body Digest fat more slowly. This means fatty foods lived long enough in the digestive system to produce a gas that can accumulate in the intestine. So, how to cope with a bloated stomach is the next limit consumption of red meat, fried foods, butter, and cream. To get animal protein, you can replace red meat with fish. As for milk, you can opt for skim milk or low-fat milk.
When the various ways of overcoming flatulence you already do and there is no change, there is no harm checked myself into the doctor to get a proper handling. Generally, flatulence do no harm. But when accompanied by prolonged nausea, diarrhea or blood blackish, diarrhea or constipation, severe chest pain, or significant weight loss, it could be a symptom of a serious disease. Hope this article is useful.
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