Jumat, 29 Desember 2017
Easy recipes for infants On MPASI first 6 months
Is the length of the meal MPASI Substitute of breast milk, which may be given after the baby is 6 months old. Parents and caregivers are sometimes confused with how to create and what food ingredients can be used to make the MPASI. The following will be presented some information about some recipes that you can try MPASI made yourself at home.
The principle of Granting MPASI in first 6 months
The main principle in awarding MPASI in infants 6 months old is soft and mashed. A single menu can be given on the first day to the 14th day with the introduction of the principle source of carbohydrates, vegetables and fruit with a frequency of 1-2 times per day.
On the 14th day of up to 21 days, you can mix all sources of nutrition. Recommend a child on a variety of sources of animal protein, vegetable fat and extra. Provide source of protein with carbohydrates and vegetables. Increase its frequency up to 2 – 3 times per day with additional healthier snacks.
After 21 days provide a balanced source of nutrition but still markedly with the 4 stars. I.e. food should contain carbohydrates (energy sources), animal protein and plant protein (forming substances), as well as vegetable and fruit (sources of vitamins and minerals). Complete with supporting the additional fourth star as fat coconut milk or coconut oil as a binder of nutrients.
The process of smoothing the food source can use a wire strainer, blender or baby food grinder that can, if necessary, then filtered again until smooth. For fibrous texture and a great source of protein, boiled or steamed in the past some food until it is cooked before it is processed. You can also add BREAST MILK or infant formula in the puree sieve or results/blender MPASI menu to enrich the content of its nutrition value.
Recipe MPASI fruit in first 6 months
The fruit is a source of food that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Give a choice of fruit MPASI major and highly recommended in his first 6 months single menu. Some of the fruits that can be used include:
The banana is a fruit that knows no season, so that it can be easy to get. Types of pisang ambon, King or sunpride is the kind that is widely used for making MPASI. There are Vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium and folic acid, which is very useful and is needed for the growth and development of infants at the age of 6 months.
Banana fruit texture that makes it easy for you in software of processing as MPASI. As the sole culprit enough menu and lumatkan half a banana fruit with a spoon then add BREAST MILK or infant formula to enrich the nutrient content.
Avocado has a soft texture. Rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C and fiber so the avocado puree can be a single menu selection MPASI first 6 months. Culprit and avocado fruit lumatkan with a mixture of BREAST MILK or infant formula can be your easy selection of prepared fruit to MPASI heart.
Babies who have just started the MPASI usually will experience constipation. To launch his CHAPTER, give fruit papaya that has been crushed. However, for some babies experienced constipation after consuming papaya fruit. So Consider well the reaction of the child at the time of the granting of its first MPASI.
Papayas contain lots of Vitamin A, B1, B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and fiber-rich and useful enzymes for digestion of the baby (enzyme papin). Serving can be mashed with a sieve or blend briefly and then add breast milk and infant formula.
Juice Of Lemon Juice
Juice of lemon juice is also good for fruit puree mix given as because of their subjects include calcium, potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, folic acid. Juice of lemon juice also serves provide sweetness so that baby will like congee and fruit juice with added lemon juice you don't need to add sugar or puree pulp in a single menu. For best flavor, choose grapefruit with sweetness and rich in water.
Recipe MPASI animal Protein and Vegetable
Animal protein can be obtained from food sources such as eggs, meat and fish. For vegetable protein can be obtained from tofu, soy milk and nuts. Here are a few food sources which can be used as a menu selection MPASI first 6 months:
Chicken Eggs
On the menu, you can use the egg that has been boiled or cooked with scrambled or fried orek way without oil as menu MPASI combination. The fat content and the protein found in egg yolk is very beneficial in the first 6 months of growing flower child. In addition, the egg also contains Vitamin A, folic acid, ribovlafin, Vitamin B6, iron, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. The content in the egg white is also not less with yellow eggs.
The soft texture of the egg causes became an easy dish MPASI. However, to avoid the grant of half-cooked egg on infants, because the egg is half done very easily infected by harmful bacteria. The giving of eggs in the first 6 months should also be in surveillance, because it is not uncommon to infants will exhibit an allergic reaction in egg consumption.
Meat and chicken liver
Meat and chicken liver is a good source of animal protein for use in the first 6 months MPASI menu. Use chicken instead of laying hens for avoiding drug injections of the hormone content was not good at laying hens. Meat and chicken liver Puree can be combined with carrot, vegetables and sweet potato as a source of karbohidat.
In terms of nutrient content, in addition to rich in iron, meat and chicken liver is also rich in protein. The content of niacin and phosphorus in meat and chicken liver helps change the proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy in the process of cell metabolism. Additionally, meat and chicken liver also contains Vitamin B6 and selenium that serve as antioxidants will strengthen the immune system of your baby from many illnesses.
Fish Meat
The use of fish flesh as the one granting MPASI recipe has been commonly carried out. In addition to fish is a great source of protein, contain DHA which is very good for the growth of the brain. Fish meat options that you can use at the beginning of the grant MPASI among other fresh water fish such as catfish, milkfish and oreochromis mossambicus.
Fish meat that has been processed in the form of a steamer will have a texture that is soft, so easy to blend with other ingredients like spinach as a source of minerals of vegetables and rice, yams and potatoes as a source of carbohydrates.
Know it is one source of vegetable protein is good for the growth of the baby. Soft texture helps the baby to digest properly. In addition to protein, tofu also contains calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B1 and c. it is important to wash the net know before use as recipe MPASI, to avoid contamination with unwanted bacteria. In addition to tofu, soy beans and red beans are mashed can be an alternative choice of vegetable source of protein in the first 6 months MPASI recipes.
Thus the information on recipes MPASI for first 6 months baby. The combination of a variety of healthy foods will help your baby to get to know the texture and taste of food and not making it the picky eater in his adult life. Good luck and get creative!
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