Jumat, 20 April 2018
Position the baby 7 months in the Womb and its development
To know the position of the baby is 7 months, you may need to do an ULTRASOUND examination to see his position with a definite and clear. Because the baby position can not be checked and estimated in random. Moreover, the position of the baby in the womb can not be indicated by physical symptoms like pregnancy traits in General. When pregnancy has already entered the third trimester or age at the age of 7 months and thereafter, the baby had started many of its development. His position also changing since the beginning of the pregnancy before the baby will finally positioned itself in the path of the birth and is ready to be born at the age of approximately 9 months of pregnancy.
Well, the expectant mothers especially first time pregnant may be less knowing and knowledge is still pretty skimpy on the development of a fetus or a baby in the womb. Therefore, at this time the article we will provide a discussion of fetal position 7 months in the womb and its development.
The position of the baby is 7 months and its development
To find out how to position a baby 7 months in the womb, you can do an ULTRASOUND examination twice a week. The USG routinely is also important to know the development of the baby, whether a baby grow up with healthy and normal? whether the baby will be born normally on time, or is there the possibility of premature birth. In addition, you can also consult all about complaints during pregnancy 7 this month, if there is something that is not supposed to be so that need handling by a doctor?
At 7 months gestation, the position of the baby in the uterus normally position under head and feet above (images only as an illustration of its development only, does not include illustrations of its position in the womb). With only 2 months towards labor time, the position of the baby has been gradually adjust.
One thing to look out for is if the baby upside down position (head over feet, below) or better known as the breech. At the age of pregnancy is quite difficult to find out whether the baby is breech or normal examination except with ultrasound. Usually detects the breech babies is to feel the kicks away baby, baby legs kick if it is below, the possibility of a breech. But it is hard to do at the time of fetal age 7 months, because although there has been movement on the fetus, yet strong enough to be felt clearly.
At a time when the gestational age is already stepping on the 7th month, the mother will feel pain in the waist. The size of the fetus which is the greater will increasingly put pressure on internal organs. This pain will continue to be increasingly felt as you get the size of the baby until the time of delivery. One of the pressure on the organs in a happens on the colon and rectum, which will cause constipation. While the pressure on the bladder will cause increased urination frequency.
When this pregnancy, the fetus has begun to experience a fairly rapid development. The weight of the fetus is 7 months already reaching 700 grams and its length was up to 22 cm, the size of the head of the fetus is already more proportionate. There is a fatty substance called with the name of verinix began to cover the skin of the fetus. This makes the fetus is no longer wet and will feel more warm while in the womb. On the 26th week or second week in the seventh month, the fetal skin tissue will begin to teraliri the blood. This will make the skin of your inner fruit of such candidates who used the wrinkles gradually will be more subtle.
Read the continuation of an article about the position of the baby is 7 months and its development is on the next page. Do not miss also suggestions about 7 months of pregnancy on page 2.
The eyes of the fetus is already perfectly formed and started to be able to open your eyes for the first time and receive little light stimulation. The ear has also started being able to hear sounds from outside. Stimulus-stimulus it will begin shipping to the brain. Fetal development 7 months her brain began to develop rapidly. Do you know when the golden age of child development? The golden age was from then on a fetus aged 7 months until the child is aged 5 years. Therefore when you get pregnant seven months, it is recommended to start to provide stimuli and suggestions-positive suggestions on candidates of your baby so that the child would become intelligent.
The development of the baby in the womb in the next 7 months is starting to do the movements of "breathe". If done with ULTRASOUND examination, it would seem. Fetal movement 7 months this is not truly breathe a breath of air, but the water. This is preparation for the future after being born. Wonderful isn't it?
Closer to the end of the month, the growing fetus size is greater, the weight of the fetus has reached 1, 3 kg up to 1, 5 kg. The intensity of the movement of the fetus will more often, but will be more stable. You can also listen to his heart rate with easier than ever. The head and face will continue to grow, with the growth of hair, eyebrows, eyelids, and subsequent membrane that closes her eyes will fade the ball disappeared.
Tips and advice for pregnancy Age 7 months
To keep control and knowing the position of the fetus in the womb, You better you checked Your content regularly. Periksakanlah fetal health conditions and the position of the janinnya at least once a month in the seventh month. The purpose of knowing the position of the baby 7 months is to predict and know where the location of the position of your baby's head. When its position is still not right and in accordance with the procedure of pregnancy, then there are several ways that can be done by the mother to correct the position of the fetus in the womb. One of them is to do the position of ' nungging '.Well, then you should also pay attention to the consumption of the food you eat everyday. Make sure the intake of nutrients that enter your body would be sure to yourself and also to the fetus in the womb You so that his progress smoothly. The quality and quantity of foods should be very you notice because at the age of 7 months this condition the uterus enlarged and increasingly must have been quite disruptive to your daily activities. Learn more about food during pregnancy this here.
In addition to the predicted position of the fetus in the womb, usually married couples also already planning where labor will be, how much it cost, transportation is needed, and so on. Pregnant women are also strongly recommended to start practicing mengejan with how to perform kegel exercises on a regular basis in order to better get used to the time of day labor. Read also: nine Normal Childbirth Preparation you should know.
When the age of the content You have entered the third trimester of age or the age of seven months, usually the obstetrician will advise you to always count the number of fetal movement 7 months in the form of kicks from the fetus in one day. You will probably find the most effective and when the fetus will be very active doing the movements that you can feel. To be able to focus more heed and count the number of movements of the baby, sit quietly or you can try to lie. If still no movement, you could try small strolls for 5 minutes so that gets a response from the baby.
That last is a little explanation about how we position the baby 7 months and also its development towards the age of the content of 8 months. As has been said earlier that as pregnant women compulsory for more routine checked Your content to ensure the condition of the uterus and fetal position you. May be useful.
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