Beware Of Signs Of A Fetus Doesn't Develop The Following

Signs of a fetus doesn't develop in General can be detected on gestational age 1-3 months. The fetus doesn't develop normally detected when pregnant women doing the ULTRASOUND examination. The examination found that the picture of a fetus, the fetus is not in development. The developing fetus is not defined as a situation where a fetus cannot undergo normal development.

Examples of cases fetuses do not develop is when a mother saw her 8-week-old but janinnya in conditions of stagnant or just like when 4 weeks gestational age, fetal heart rate did not even felt. This state of affairs is certainly very worrying, especially for couples who have been looking forward to the presence of the baby in his household.

There are several factors that cause the fetus does not develop. The main factors that meyebabkan the fetus doesn't develop normally due to genetic factors. Genetic factors here it means sperm cells and egg cells are couples who have low quality. The fetus does not develop can also be caused by viral infections early on in pregnancy. Viruses that most often cause interference with fetal development i.e. virus TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes Simplex virus).

In addition the fetus doesn't develop can also be caused due to blood clots that block the flow of blood from the mother to the fetus, a history of giving birth to premature babies, less intake of folic acid, pregnant too young age, smoking, consuming alcohol, drugs, obesity, as well as a history of the disease of hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Some Signs Of A Fetus Does Not Develop
A prospective mother should have the sensitivity to the condition of the fetus they contain. The fetus was not developing can be detected early through more signs perceived by the mother as well as through the examination performed by the midwife or doctor. Signs of a fetus doesn't develop, among others, as follows:

1. The occurrence of persistent spots or bleeding

The occurrence of spots during early pregnancy is actually a reasonable thing, but these are usually only a few flecks and lasts for a short time (less than 24 hours). The occurrence of a normal flecks can be caused due to hormonal changes in early pregnancy, the fertilized egg cell is sticking by the wall of the uterus, and mild inflammation on the area of femininity. If you experience spots occur in great numbers or lasts a long time, then chances are it is the signs of a fetus does not develop. Read also: this is the kind of Bleeding while pregnant that young needs to look out for.

2. great pains/cramps Occur

Stomach cramps which appear during early pregnancy is also something actually normal. Stomach cramps is generally caused due to the presence of a placenta that is present and produce the hormone progesterone itself, so that the production of progesterone from the corpus luteum will cease and the effect the onset of stomach cramps.

The onset of stomach cramps in early pregnancy can also be caused due to the womb muscle buttresses widens and stretch due to the presence of a fetus. The appearance of a normal stomach cramps is certainly only takes lightly and without any other significant disturbances. If the stomach cramps/pain good let alone accompanied by the occurrence of bleeding then it can be signs of a fetus does not develop.

3. Loss of morning sickness

On a normal pregnant women generally experience a syndrome called morning sickness. Morning sickness is a State at which pregnant women vomiting nausea usually occurs in the morning after waking up. Morning sickness is caused by hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women. Morning sickness in pregnant women usually occur in the first trimester, but there are also pregnant women who experience morning sickness throughout her pregnancy.

Article about signs of a fetus doesn't develop this was attributed to the next page.

On expectant mothers containing a fetus doesn't develop, usually at the beginning can experience morning sickness as in pregnant women in General, but only lasted a very short time and after that the symptoms of morning sickness seems to disappear or a There is no more. This is also one of the signs of a fetus not growing you should beware. So if you're experiencing morning sickness or nausea vomiting during pregnancy thus signifies Your fetal bladder is strong enough and well developed.

4. Absence of fetal movement

In a normal pregnancy, the mother can usually feel any fetal movement in the womb. Early on in the pregnancy the fetal movement usually already exists although it is still relatively little and still weak. But as you get a pregnancy, then the fetal movement will be more frequent and clearly perceived by the mother. While in pregnancy with a fetus does not develop, the mother does not feel any fetal movement at all in her womb.

5. Not experiencing weight gain

Signs or characteristics of the fetus does not develop the next weight mothers not experiencing weight gain as pregnant women in General. Normally, pregnant women will experience weight gain as you get her pregnancy. However, in pregnant women, which contain the fetus doesn't develop, her weight is relatively fixed or just experiencing weight gain very little. Therefore, for expectant mothers are advised to weigh his weight on a regular basis to monitor maternal weight gain while checking the progression of janinnya.

6. ULTRASOUND Examination

To know the signs of a fetus doesn't develop in a more valid is to do an ULTRASOUND examination. In ultrasound assessment there are two possibilities of the picture shown by the fetus doesn't develop. The first possibility i.e. a fetus does not appear at all. This means that in the womb there is only an empty SAC with no fetus contained within it. This condition is called in medical terms as a blighted ovum. On ultrasound, blighted ovum, it looks black picture containing the fluid in the womb without a shadow of a candidate's foetus at all. While the possibility of a second on the ULTRASOUND examination there is already a picture of the candidate and the flat-shaped and small fetus in the womb, but the diameter and length of the fetus is not in accordance with the gestational age.

After doctors performed a series of advanced observation and examination to make sure signs of a fetus not growing and it turns out that the results are correct, then the medical action must immediately be done. In General, the developing fetus that failed could not be maintained any longer and must be removed from the mother's womb. Medical action to remove the fetus from the womb of the mother usually a softener dispensing network or do actions a curette.

To prevent a fetus that is not developed, it can be done, among others, namely by avoiding getting married too young age (less than 20 years), the intake of nutrients especially folic acid consumption enough, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs, adequate rest, and always keep clean good food or environment to avoid infection germs during pregnancy. Besides, it is very important to check regularly so that the pregnancy of the mother may know the development of the janinnya and early actions can be done by a health worker if found disorders during pregnancy.

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