Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017
How to Diet with plain water to lose weight
Does sound familiar, but it turned out the way the diet with white water does exist. Rather, consume more water can help lose weight faster. There are very many methods of diet, of course. The most simple and sure to pay attention to the "incoming" and "calorie calories out" (the body must burn more calories than the calories that go). Leah Kaufman, R.D., a nutritionist from the Division of the NYU Langone weight management Medical Center revealed that how much a person consume the white water in a day will determine how big the calories burned successfully in that day.
Before you go on a diet of water, first one must know the nature of the diet of the water itself. As with any diet method very much, how to diet with white water itself varies. There is a really fast (do not consume any food, only drink water only) to ensure that only the white water that has a temperature cold drink (because the body will burn extra calories to "warm up" the water so that it corresponds to the temperature our bodies).
Another way is to consume two glasses of water before a meal and accompanied by a low calorie diet. Any variation of the water diet is done, the researchers found that individuals who practice water diet experience weight loss up to 2.5 kilograms more compared to those with no or little consume water.
Keep in mind that diet water method works well when done in a short time only. As well as water, diet is most safely done when coupled with a normal diet foods (such as diet food combining diet or low calorie). Drink only water without eating any food could be so dangerous, especially for those who have physical conditions that are not so Prime.
Before you go on a diet of water, one must be convinced by his physical condition because this diet method is not guaranteed to be safe for everyone. When making a diet of water, someone more vulnerable to decline in blood sugar levels (which appears from the onset of symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue), constipation, dehydration, and intolerance against the cold temperatures. If you have health problems relating to the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels, this diet method may not be suitable for you.
In addition, this diet method tends to be "yo-yo", meaning individuals who do this diet may experience weight loss quickly and significantly. But it is possible his weight back up quickly. That's the stuff that you have to make considerations before doing the diet of water, his methods would be reviewed in the following explanation.
Step by step how to Diet with water white
Before practicing this diet method (and any diet method), create a realistic goal. It is impossible to lose weight as much as possible in the shortest time-in short, because that is not how a healthy diet. First weigh your weight now and remember to always consult with a health care personnel before making any diet. Below are the steps of white water with a diet that you can apply:
1. get the right volume of water by measure,
A common unit used to express the weight in Indonesia is the kilogram. First of all, You need to change the results of the measurements of your body weight in kilograms into pounds. One kilogram is equivalent to 2.2 pounds. So, if Your weight is 75, you will get a 165-pound (75 x 2.2). After learning your body weight in pounds, how to find out how much water you should consume per day, so easy, that is, half of your body weight in pounds that is expressed in units of ounces of liquid.
So, if your body weight in pounds is 165, then you have to water consumption per day was 82.5 oz of fluid (2:165). After that, change the unit of fluid ounces to milliliters. One fluid ounce equivalent to 30 ml. Then, 82.5 oz liquid is equivalent to 2475 milliliters (82.5 x 30) or approximately 2.5 liters. Two and a half liters of this is the abundance of water should you drink per day.
2. When to drink water?
The second step of the way diet with white water is paying attention to the frequency of drinking water a day. Make drinking water as the first thing you do after waking up in the morning, and drink two glass of water 30 minutes before a meal. Sense of fullness when your stomach is already filled by the previous water will prevent You from eating too much.
When you feel hungry, drink a certain amount of water will help your mind to determine if you are really hungry or just sheer craving. Research conducted in the past 2015 from the University of Oxford found that in adults suffering from obesity, when they are drinking 500 milliliters of water 30 minutes before a meal, will end up consuming fewer calories and lose weight 11 pounds more. A figure that pretty fantastic right?
How to drink water after eating? Many say that drinking water after eating or when it is not good for health. But actually drink water after eating can help the digestive system work more optimally and prevent constipation.
Likewise with a drink of water after exercising. After exercise, our bodies are experiencing a shortage of liquid even though we don't feel thirsty (new man must feel if he had to lose two percent of her weight in the form of bodily fluids). Athletes consume 1.5 to 2.5 cups more water than is recommended on the number 1.
3. use bottled drinking water
To support the way the diet with white water, provide bottled water to drink. If possible use a water bottle that has a measure of volume in the body of the bottle. It is important to monitor how much liquid you consume that day. It's also important to choose a drink bottle BPA-free, so that your body is not contaminated by harmful chemicals. You can choose a bottle of drinking water from any materials (plastic, metal, or glass) as needed. But in order to keep your drinking water bottle is quite strong, not easy to spill, and allow it to be carried everywhere.
4. Drink water every 2 hours
From the description in the previous step, you now have practiced drinking plain water after waking up, 30 minutes before meals, after meals, and after exercising. Now look at your drinking water bottle. There are still many remaining white water? Do not worry, you can drink it every two hours. It is important for the body to drink plain water gradually to prevent the body experiencing excess fluid.
According to the Riverside Health System, the simplest way to find out how many hours each of us should consume the liquid is by looking at the color of urine. Ideally the urine pale yellow. When Your urine is colored dark yellow, this is a strong indication that your body requires more fluid intake.
5. Do exercise
The focus of the water diet is to lose weight, but the sport remains important because it holds a large role in shaping the muscle mass (so that the body does not look shriveled though weight decreases a lot) and help burn calories.
How to diet with white water itself does help the burning of calories. This is evident from the research published in The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, which show that drinking 500 milliliters of water can help increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30 percent. Investigators later concluded that increasing the intake of fluids up to 1.5 liters in a day will increase your daily calorie burning of 200 calories.
If you are already accustomed to exercising regularly, keep these habits. If you do not already have a habit of regular exercise before, start by walking at least 30 minutes a day. Keep in mind that exercise only if you also consume other foods. Work out when only drink water without food intake will drain your metabolism, makes you more prone to the problem of decreased blood sugar levels, which may impact would be harmful to you.
6. add flavor on Your white water
Do not be surprised, but the people who do not like to consume white water due to "not having a sense of" there is indeed a (perhaps you one). However, you can still do something to make the way the diet with white water is noticeably more pleasant. One of them by adding flavorings on Your white water.
You can use the electrolytes effervescent taste such as lemon or raspberry. Effervescent electrolyte has a double benefit: the taste of the water itself, and vast gardens can help increase bone density.
Avoid adding sugar on Your white water just so plain water You tasted more delicious. Not only sugar contains high-calorie diet that makes you become useless, but can also trigger fluctuations in blood sugar that can increase your risk of developing diabetes mellitus later in the day. In the end, add the sugar in a diet will make your weight thus added.
7. Green tea and water in the form of more
The good news is, you can also consume water in the form of more so how to diet with white water praktikkan You wasn't too boring. The alternatives that you can try is to add white water in green tea. Green tea has long been known as a natural antioxidant and contains flavonoids that can increase Your body's metabolism. To keep in mind in making green tea is to avoid the addition of sugar in any form.
In addition to green tea, you can also get the liquid intake of the water consumption of high levels of fruit, as well as soup. Consume vegetable soup is not only to benefit in terms of rehydration fluid, but also get the intake of vitamins and minerals are rich from vegetable material constituting.
How to diet with white water with the steps as outlined above can also be You barengi with a low calorie diet. This is because the water diet is "yo-yo" aka weight will quickly go down but also fast rising. When only a drink of water, the body tends to take nutrients from muscle instead of fat. That's why you should still be encouraged to exercise (to maintain muscle mass). It is also recommended that you consume low-calorie foods, weight loss so that you can be more lasting. Interested in trying?
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